Hur ska det räcka?

Ett danskt filmteam arbetar med en dokumentärfilm om hur det går med mat och matproduktion när världens befolkning växer och växer.

Såhär presenterar de sig och sitt projekt:

This project’s aim is to create an in-depth documentary series that examines the most innovative ideas to address the world’s growing food problems, such as hunger, starvation and lack of proper and healthy food.

The series investigates our current consumption and trade patterns and examines how we can improve the way we produces our food and distribute it worldwide.

It is estimated that the world’s population will grow by three billion, to more than nine billion over the next forty years. This means there will be an ever increasing need for food. Studies done by the UN indicates that food prices are likely to rise significantly in the next 10 years, at the same time the earth’s  resources are running out and agricultural land is in decline.

If we are too ensure there will be enough food in the future at resonable costs. We need to act now before it’s too late.

Fortunately there are many new ideas, solutions and political proposals that could change the current food landscape. These ideas just have to be acknowledged and recognized. This film is a step in that direction.

Här är ett smakprov från filmen, som ska heta Feeding the World:

Feeding the World Trailer from Candofilm on Vimeo.

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